
Name and Headquarters of the Association
Article 1- Name of the Association is ‘Bursa Businesswomen and Executives Association’. Headquarters of the Association is in Bursa. No branch office of the Association will be opened.

Purpose of the Association and the Fields and Forms of Work to be carried out by the Association in order to Achieve This Purpose and Fields of Activity

Article 2- The Association was established with the aim of ensuring that modern Turkish women are an integral part of the business life in every part of the business life. The fields and forms of work to be carried out by the Association: supporting the education of the people who will enter the business life; engaging in the activities that will improve the businesswomen and executives’ interaction and exchange of opinions by bringing together businesswomen and executives and increasing number of female population in the business life; developing and supporting creative entrepreneurial projects; sharing sectoral knowledge and experience by following the developments in the business life; organizing educational and social activities in order to improve cooperation and communication between members; engaging in national and international activities; becoming a member of national and international associations or organizations; doing joint works or cooperating with these organizations on the basis of projects; establishing foundations, federations or joining an already-established federation when necessary for achieving this purpose; creating platforms and performing studies for reaching a common goal along with non-governmental organizations, public institutions and organizations; making available any information, instruments, documents and publications required for achieving the purpose; issuing the publications such as gazette, journals and books to announce the above-mentioned in line with their purposes and publishing the working and informing bulletins to distribute to its members; opening clubhouses and establishing social and cultural facilities and furnishing them to allow its members to benefit and spend their free time; purchasing, selling, renting and hiring movable and immovable properties required for activities of the Association; establishing real rights on the immovables; engaging in fund-raising activities by obtaining the necessary permits; accepting domestic and foreign donations.
Areas of Activity of the Association: The Association operates in the social area.

Article 3- Association Membership and Membership Procedures
The women who adopt the goals of the Association, have the capacity to act, completed the age of eighteen years and have the membership requirements set out in the Statutes can become members of the Association. To become a full member of the Association, the candidate must be given reference by two full members. A decision is made by the quorum of the members of the Board of Directors within 30 days about the full membership of the presented candidate and the result is announced to the candidate in writing.
The candidate whose application is accepted is recorded in the register to be kept for this purpose.
In order to be a member of the Association, the candidates who are not a national of Republic of Turkey must have the right to reside in Turkey and meet the other conditions stipulated for the Turkish citizens. Residency requirement is not sought for honorary membership.

Article 4- Types of Association Membership
A) Full Membership
The real persons who satisfy the general conditions for admission to membership in Article 3 and certify with an official record that they employ minimum 3 persons in their workplaces provided that these real persons have been working actually for minimum three years as a self-employed in the commercial enterprises that they are the owner or partner or they are registered to the relevant professional association, and the reals persons who have been working as a director or executive and employing minimum 1 or 2 persons for minimum 3 years and certify it with an official record can be full member based on the decision of the Board of Directors. The full members have the right to elect and be elected and they can be assigned in any body of the Association and benefit from any activity thereof, having all membership rights and powers.

B) Corporate Membership
The professional executives that work as a Director General, Chairman of the Board or Chairman of the Executive Board in any of the first five hundred commercial companies announced lastly by Bursa Chamber of Industry as from the date of application or work as a President or Regional President in the companies with an annual return above one hundred million Turkish Liras are entitled to become an corporate company on behalf of their corporations, based on the decision of the Board of Directors.
Corporate members are represented by their senior executive authorized by the corporate member. In the event of a change in the duty of the authorized person, the corporate member must notify the Association about it and authorize a new person.
Corporate members have the right to elect and be elected and they can be assigned in any body of the Association and benefit from any activity thereof, having all membership rights and powers.
The provisions of this Statutes relating to membership procedures and membership requirements of the Association shall also apply to corporate members.

C) Honorary Membership
Having skills and efficiency of national or international scale, the persons who have provided technical, administrative, professional, moral or cultural contribution to the business life, the Association, its mission and women’s movement in our country or international arena are granted, irrespective of profession or working field, the title of honorary member based on the decision of Board of Directors. Gender requirement is not sought for honorary membership.
Honorary members are the real persons who do not have the right to elect and be elected. Honorary members may attend General Assemblies on condition that they do not vote and they do not pay membership fees. They may take part in all committees and bodies to be formed by the Association except the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board, and they can express their opinions.
The Board of Directors may decide on termination of honorary membership any time. A maximum of 2 honorary members may be accepted for an electoral period.
The number of honorary members cannot exceed 5% of the number of active members of BUIKAD.

D) Senior Membership
Having skills and efficiency of national or international scale, the persons who have provided technical, administrative, professional, moral or cultural contribution to the business life, the Association, its mission and women’s movement in our country or international arena, and who have been a member of the Association for at least 10 years and taken part in the management teams or committees and completed the age of 50 years and left the active working life are granted, irrespective of profession or working field, the title of senior member based on the decision of Board of Directors. Senior members are the real persons who do not have the right to elect and be elected. Senior members may attend General Assemblies on condition that they do not vote, and they do not pay membership fees. The Board of Directors may decide on termination of senior membership any time.

Article 5 – Resignation from Membership
A) Resignation from the Association Membership
Every member of the Association may resign from the membership any time. The member who intends to leave the Association must notify the Board of Directors in writing. Membership is terminated as of the date of notification. Resignation from membership does not eliminate the member’s accumulated debts to the Association.
Any member who resigns from BUIKAD membership with his/her own consent or is excluded from membership shall be subject to all stages of the admission process for new members if he/she applies for membership again. The membership of the former member, whose re-admission is accepted by the decision of the Board of Directors, shall be valid on the condition that the former member pays the past membership fees unpaid as well as the entrance and annual membership fees.

B) Termination of Association Membership
The Association membership may be terminated by the decision of the Board of directors if it is determined that one of the following conditions has emerged:
• Failing absolutely to satisfy the membership requirements of the Association which are stipulated by law and Statutes,
• Failing to pay the outstanding membership fees despite written warning,
• Failing to comply with the decisions made by the Association’s organs,
• Behaving contrarily to the Statutes of the Association,
• Avoiding the assigned tasks constantly,
• Failing to satisfy the conditions of membership.
A written objection can be submitted by the relevant person against the decisions of the Board of Directors within 15 days from the date of notification of the decision. If the objection of the member reaches the Board of Directors no later than 30 days before the date of the General Assembly, it shall be included in the agenda of the first General Assembly. Otherwise, it shall be resolved at the next General Assembly.

If the company owner or senior position of the member is suspended for more than 6 months, the member may be excluded from membership by the decision of the Board of Directors. In case the member’s working position changes, he/she must give written notice to the Association within 15 days.

Membership to Higher Organizations
By the decision of the General Assembly, the Association may join, as a founder member or member, the federations established or to be established, in order to unite its power in line with its purpose, and it may resign from such membership.

Article 6- The bodies of the Association are shown below:
1- General Assembly,
2- Board of Directors,
3- Supervisory Board, Establishment of General Assembly of the Association, Meeting Time and Procedure for Calling and Holding a Meeting

Article 7- The General Assembly is the most competent decision-making body of the Association and consists of the members registered to the Association. General Assembly,
1- The Ordinary General Assembly convenes in May at the time, on the day and at the place to be determined by the Board of Directors every two years.
2- If the Board of Directors or Supervisory Board deems necessary, or upon the written request of one-fifth of the members of the Association, the General Assembly convenes extraordinarily within thirty days. The General Assembly is called to the meeting by the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors does not convene the General Assembly, the magistrate shall appoint three members to convene the General Assembly upon the application of one of the members. Calling procedure: The Board of Directors shall organize the list of members who have the right to attend the General Assembly according to the Association Statutes. The members who have the right to participate in the General Assembly shall be called, by announcement of the day, time, place and agenda of the meeting in a newspaper or by written or electronic mail, to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance. If the meeting cannot be held due to absence of quorum, the day, time and place of the second meeting shall also be specified in this call. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days or more than sixty days. If the meeting is withdrawn for any reason other than failure to ensure quorum, this situation shall be announced, by specifying the withdrawal reasons, to the members in accordance with the calling procedure carried out for the first meeting. The second meeting must be held no later than six months from the date of withdrawal. Members are called to the second meeting according to the principles set out in the first paragraph. The General Assembly Meeting cannot be withdrawn for more than once. Meeting Procedure: The General Assembly shall convene with the participation of an absolute majority of the members who have the right to participate, and two-thirds of the members in case of amendment of the Statutes and dissolution of the Association. If the meeting is postponed due to absence of quorum, the quorum requirement shall not be sought at the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. The list of the members who have the right to attend the General Assembly shall be made available at the meeting place. The identification certificates that were issued by the official authorities for the members who will enter the meeting place are checked by the members of the Board of Directors or by the officers who will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The members enter the meeting place by signing opposite their names on the list drawn up by the Board of Directors. If the meeting quorum is reached, this situation is confirmed by an official report and the meeting is opened by the Chairman of the Board or one of the members of the Board to be assigned by the Chairman. In the event that the meeting quorum cannot be reached, an official report shall be issued by the Board of Directors. After the opening, a council committee is established by electing a Chairperson to manage the meeting and sufficient number of Vice Chairpersons and a secretary.
For the votings to be held for election of the Association organs, the members who vote must show their identity cards to the council and sign opposite their names on the list of participants. The Chairperson of the Council is responsible for ensuring management and security of the meeting. Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the General Assembly. However, it is compulsory that the issues which have been requested in writing by one-tenth of the members present at the meeting shall be included in the agenda to be discussed. Each member has one vote in the General Assembly, and the member has to vote personally. Honorary members may attend the General Assembly meetings but cannot vote. If a legal person is a member, the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the person appointed as representative by the legal person shall vote. The issues discussed and the decisions taken in the meeting are written into a minutes and signed together by the Chairperson of the Council and the secretaries. At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for preserving these documents and submitting them to the newly-elected Board within seven days.

Voting and Decision-making Procedures and Forms of the General Assembly
Article 8- Unless otherwise is agreed at the General Assembly, the elections of members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board are voted on by secret ballot and the decisions on other matters are voted by open ballot. Secret ballots are the votes that are collected by putting the paper or ballots sealed by the Chairperson of the meeting into an empty container after realization of voting by the members, and that are indicated by open count of ballots following completion of voting. 
 For voting by open ballot, the method specified by the President of the General Assembly shall be applied. The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by an absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. In fact, the decisions on amendment of the Statutes and dissolution of the Association can only be taken by a two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting. The Decisions Taken without Meeting or Calling Procedure: The decisions taken with the written participation of all members without gathering and the decisions taken by all members of the Association without complying with the calling procedure written in this Statutes shall be valid. Decision making in this way is not a substitute for the ordinary meeting.

Duties and Powers of the General Assembly
Article 9- The following matters are discussed and decided by the General Assembly:
1-Electing the Association bodies,
2- Amending the Statutes of the Association,
3- Discussing the reports of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board and discharging the Board of Directors,
4- Discussing the budget prepared by the Board of Directors and approving it as it is or amended,
5-Authorizing the Board of Directors to purchase real estates necessary for the Association or to sell the existing real estates,
6- Examining the regulations to be prepared by the Board of Directors with respect to the Association activities and approving these regulations as they are or amended,
7- Determining the fees and all kinds of allowances, travel allowances and compensation to be given to Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board of the Association, and the daily and travel allowances to be given to the members to be assigned for the services of the Association,
8- Deciding on joining of the Association in a federation and resignation from it, and authorizing the Board of Directors in this regard,
9- Deciding on participation of the Association in international activities and joining of the Association in a foreign foundation and organization as a member or resignation from them,
10- Establishing a foundation by the Association,
11-Dissolving the Association,
12- Examining and resolving the other proposals of the Board of Directors,
13- Fulfilling the other duties specified by the legislation so as to be performed by the General Assembly. The General Assembly supervises the other organs of the Association and may dismiss them for justifiable reasons any time. The General Assembly makes the final decision on admission to membership and dismissal from it. As the most competent body of the Association, it performs the acts and exercises the powers not given to any other body of the Association.

Composition, Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
Article 10- The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly to be composed of nine full and nine alternate members. For the position of Chairman of the Board, the candidate must have been active in the Board of Directors for at least one term, either as a full or an alternate member.
The Board of Directors determines the Chairman, Vice Chairman, secretary, account keeper and members by dividing the duties based on a decision at its first meeting after the election. The Board of Directors may be called to a meeting any time provided that all members are notified beforehand. It is convened with the presence of half of the total number of members plus one. Decisions are taken with an absolute majority of the total number of members attending the meeting. In case of resignations or vacancies within full membership of the Board of Directors due to other reasons, it is obligatory to call the alternate members in the order of the majority of votes received in the General Assembly.

Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall carry out the following matters:
1- Represent the Association or authorize one or more of its members to do so,
2- Fulfil the income and expenditure account procedures and prepare a budget for the upcoming period and present it to the General Assembly,
3- Prepare the regulations related to the activities of the Association and present them to the General Assembly for approval,
4- Purchase the immovable properties, sell movable and immovable properties belonging to the Association, have a building or facility constructed, make a leasing contract, establish right of mortgage, lien or real rights in favour of the Association with the authority given by the General Assembly,
5- Ensure opening of representative offices where necessary,
6-Implement the decisions taken at the General Assembly,
7-Prepare the operation account statement or balance sheet and income statement of the Association as well as the report explaining the activities of the Board of Management at the end of each year of operation, and present them during the General Assembly Meeting,
8-put the budget into practice,
9- Make decisions on admission to membership or dismissal from the membership of the Association,
10- Take and implement all kinds of decisions in order to realize the purpose of the Association,
11-Perform other duties and exercise the powers given by the legislation to the Board.

Composition, Duties and Powers of the Supervisory Board
Article 11-The Supervisory Board is elected by the General Assembly to be composed of three full and three alternate members. In case of resignations or vacancies within full membership of the Board of Directors due to other reasons, it is obligatory to call the alternate members in the order of the majority of votes received in the General Assembly. Duties and Powers of the Supervisory Board the Supervisory Board supervises whether the Association acts in line with the fields of works to be performed for the purpose given in the Statutes and for achieving the purpose, and whether the registers, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the Statues of the Association, at regular intervals not exceeding a year and presents them to the Board of Directors and General Assembly when it convenes, based on the principles and procedures stipulated in the Statutes of the Association. The Supervisory Board calls the General Assembly to a meeting when necessary.

Income Resources of the Association
Article 12- The income sources of the Association are listed below.
1 – Membership fees: Entrance fee and annual membership fees paid by the members. The Board of Directors is authorized to determine the annual membership fee and entrance fee to be collected from the members, and to decrease them, and to increase them up to 100% at maximum.
2- Voluntary donations and grants from real and legal persons,
3- Income from the events such as tea and breakfast/lunch/dinner parties, theatres, concerts, sports tournaments and conferences etc. organized by the Association,
4- Income from the assets of the Association,
5- Donations and grants to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on fund-raising,
6-Income from commercial activities undertaken by the Association in order to provide the income it needs to achieve its purpose,
7-Other income resources.

The Principles and Procedures of the Association for Keeping Registers and the Registers to be Kept
Article 13- The principles for keeping registers: The Registers of the Association are kept on the basis of operation account method. However, if the annual gross income exceeds TRY 500,000 for the year of 2005, the register is kept on the balance sheet basis starting from the upcoming accounting period. If the gross annual income stays below the aforementioned amount for two succeeding accounting periods, operation account method can be adopted again in lieu of the balance sheet basis, starting from the upcoming accounting period.
The registers may be kept according to the balance sheet basis by the decision of the Board of Directors without adhering to the above mentioned limit. If the Association starts a commercial enterprise, a separate register is kept for this commercial enterprise pursuant to the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law.

Registration Procedure
The registers and records of the Association are kept in accordance with the procedures and principles specified in the Regulation of Associations.

The Registers to be Kept
At the Association, the registers written below are kept.
a) The registers to be kept on the basis of operation account method and the principles to be followed are the following:
1-Decision Register: The decisions of the Board of Directors are recorded in this register by specifying their date and number and it is signed by the members who are present at the meeting.
2 – Member Register: The identification details of the members, the dates for becoming members and cancelling their memberships are recorded in this register. The entrance fee and total amount of annual membership fee can be recorded in this register.
3-Document Register: Incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this register by specifying their date and number. The original copies of the incoming documents and duplicate copies of the outgoing documents are filed. The print-outs of the documents received or sent via e-mail are saved.
4-Inventory Register: The date and form of acquisition of the inventories belonging to the Association, and the places where they are used or given and the deletion of the entries of those that have completed their usage periods are entered into this register.
5-Operation Account Register: Income and expenditure on behalf of the Association are recorded clearly and regularly in this register.
6-Register for Certificates of Receipt: Serial numbers and item numbers of the certificates of receipt, full names of those who received or returned those certificates of receipts along with the dates and signatures are all recorded in this register.

b) The registers to be kept on the balance sheet basis and the principles to be followed are as follows:
1-The registers specified in para (a) items 1, 2, 3, and 6 above are also kept in case of register-keeping on the balance sheet basis.
2- Wage Register, Ledger and Inventory Register:
The procedures for these registers are based on the Tax Procedure Law and the General Communique on Accounting System Application, which has been published pursuant to the authorization granted by the Tax Procedure Law to the Ministry of Finance.

The registers that are compulsory to be kept at the Association must be attested by either provincial directorate of associations or a notary before starting to use them. These registers are used until all the pages are used up and the registers cannot be attested before the financial year ends. However, the books kept on the balance sheet basis and the books with form or continuous-form sheets must be re-attested every year in the last month before the year in which they will be used.

Preparation of Income Statement and Balance Sheet
In case of keeping records based on the operation account method, the “Operation Account Table” (mentioned in Annex-16 to the Regulation on Associations) is issued at the end of year (December 31st ). In the case of keeping registers on the balance sheet basis, the balance sheet and income statement is prepared at the end of each financial year (December 31st) pursuant to the General Communique on Accounting System Application, which has been published by the Ministry of Finance.

The Procedures for Income and Expenses of the Association
Article 14-Income-Expense Documents: The income of the Association is collected by means of ‘certificate of receipt’ (a sample of which can be found in Annex 17 to the Regulation on Associations). In the case of collection of the income of the Association by means of banks, the bank receipts or statement of accounts given by the banks can be used in lieu of certificate of receipt.
As for the expenses of the Association, the expenditure documents such as retail sale receipt and self-employment receipt etc. can be used. However, note of expenses is used for those payments within the scope of Article 94 of Income Tax Code while ‘expense voucher’ (a sample of which can be found in Annex 13 to the Regulation on Associations) is used for other payments that are not covered by the mentioned law.
For free materials and services to be provided by the Association to individuals, institutions and organization, ‘aid-in-kind delivery notice’ (a sample of which can be found in Annex 14 to the Regulation on Associations) is used. For free materials and services to be delivered to the Association by individuals, institutions or organizations (a sample of which can be found in Annex 15 to the Regulation on Associations), “aid-in-kind receipt certificate” is used.
Certificates of Receipt: “Certificates of Receipt” (in the format and size shown in Annex 17 to the Regulation on Associations) to be used in the collection of the income of the Association are printed at a printing house with the decision of the Board of Directors. The related provisions of the Regulation on Associations are followed with respect to printing and controlling the certificates of receipt, taking over them from printing house, recording them in register and taking and handing over them between old and new account keepers, as well as using these certificates of receipt by the person(s) who will collect income on behalf of the Association and delivering the collected income. Certificate of Authority: The person(s) who will collect income on behalf of the Association are determined by the decision of the Board of Directors by specifying the duration of authority. The certificate of authority is issued by the Association as 3 copies with the clear identification information, signatures and photos of the individual(s) to collect income (a copy of which can be found in Annex 19 to the Regulation on Associations) and approved by the Chairman of the Board . A copy of each certificate of authority is submitted to the Directorate of Associations. The changes related to the certificate of authority are notified to the Directorate of Associations within fifteen days by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The individuals who will collect income on behalf of the Association can start collecting income only after a copy of the certificate of authority issued in their name is given to the Directorate of Associations. The use, renewal, return and other matters of the certificate of authority follow the relevant provisions of the Regulation on Associations. Period of Retention of Income and Expense Documents: The certificates of receipt , expenditure documents and other documents, except registers, used by the Association shall be kept for a period of 5 years in accordance with the number and date order in the registers in which they are recorded, save for the retention periods specified in the special laws.

Submission of the Association Statement
Article 15- The “Association Statement” which indicates the results of the activities and income and expense transactions of the previous year as of the end of the year (presented in Annex-21 to the Regulation on Associations) is filled by the Board of Directors of the Association and given to the Local Authority by the President of the Association within the first four months of each calendar year.

Obligation of Notification
Article 16 – The Notifications to be made to the Local Authority; Final Declaration of the General Assembly
Within 30 days following the ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly meeting, the ‘Final Declaration of the General Assembly’ along with the attached files including full members and alternate members elected for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board and other organs (as presented in Annex-3 to the Regulation on Associations) are submitted to the related local authority by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The following documents are attached to the Final Declaration of the General Assembly:
1- A copy of the minutes of meeting signed by the Chairperson of the Council, Vice Chairpersons and secretary,
2- A copy of both the old and new versions of the amended articles of the Statutes and a copy of the latest version of the Statues, every single page of which is signed by the Board of Directors, in the case of amendment in the Statues.
Statement of Real Estates
The real estates acquired by the Association are notified to the local authority by filling in the “Real Estate Declaration”(presented in Annex-26 to the Regulation on Associations) within thirty days from the registration of the title deed.
Statement of Acceptance of Foreign Financial Support
In case of acceptance of foreign financial support by the Association, the form of acceptance of foreign support is filled out as 2 copies (as specified in Annex-4 to the Regulation on Associations) and submitted to the related local authority before accepting the support. A copy of the decision of the Board of Director about acceptance of foreign support, a copy of the protocol, contract and similar documents prepared on this issue if available, as well as a bank receipt of the account where the financial aid is transferred etc. are all attached to the statement of acceptance. Cash donations must be received through banks and the obligation of notification must be met before these donations are used. Statement about the Joint Projects with Public Institutions and Organizations: A copy of the protocol made in relation to the joint projects with the public institutions and organizations in the related fields of duty of the Association and a copy of such projects are attached to the ‘Statement of Project’ (as specified in Annex-23 to the Regulation on Associations) and submitted, within a month following the date of protocol, to the governor’s office where the headquarters of the Association is located.
Notifications about Changes
Any change about the location of the Association is reported via the form of “Notification of Address Change’ (as specified in Annex-24 to the Regulation on Associations) and any change in the organs of the Association outside the General Assembly meetings is reported via the form of ‘Notification of Change in the Organs of the Association’ (as specified in Annex-25 to the Regulation on Associations) that is filled out and submitted to the related local authorities within 30 days following the date of the change. Amendments in the Statues of the Association are also reported to the related local authority within thirty days following the General Assembly meeting during which the Statutes are amended, in an attachment to the final declaration of the general assembly.

Internal Audit of the Association
Article 17- An internal audit can be conducted at the Association by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board, and it can also be performed by an independent audit institution. The conduct of an audit by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors or independent auditing firms does not nullify the responsibility of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board audits the Association once a year at the latest. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors may make an audit or may have this audit conducted by the independent auditors if necessary.

Borrowing Procedures of the Association
Article 18- When necessary, the Association may go into debt by the decision of the Board of Directors in order to realize the purpose of the Association and run its activities. Borrowing can be in the form of purchase of goods and services on credit and also in cash. However, borrowing cannot be performed in the amounts that cannot be repaid with the income resources of the Association and that will cause the Association to have difficulty in repayment.

The Procedures for the Amendment of the Statues
Article 19- The amendment of the Statutes can be made by the decision of the General Assembly. A 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend the General Assembly is sought for amending the Statutes at the General Assembly. If the meeting is postponed due to absence of quorum, the quorum requirement shall not be sought at the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. The required number of votes for an amendment to the Statues is two third of the total members who are present at the meeting and entitled to vote. In the General Assembly meeting, the voting for an amendment to the Statues is performed via open ballot.

Dissolution of the Association and the Procedures for Liquidation of its Assets
Article 20- The General Assembly may decide to dissolve the Association any time. A 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend the General Assembly is sought for discussing the issue of dissolution at the General Assembly. If the meeting is postponed due to absence of quorum, the quorum requirement shall not be sought at the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. The required number of votes for deciding on dissolution is two third of the total members who are present at the meeting and entitled to vote. In the General Assembly meeting, the voting for the decision on dissolution is performed via open ballot.
Procedures for Liquidation
When the decision on liquidation is taken by the General Assembly, the liquidation of the money, properties and rights of the Association is made by the liquidation committee consisting of the members of the last Board of Directors. These procedures start from the date when the General Assembly decision on termination is taken or the spontaneous termination becomes definite. In all transactions during the liquidation period, the expression “BUIKAD in Liquidation” is used in the name of the Association. The Liquidation Committee is responsible and authorized to complete the procedures for liquidation of the money, properties and rights of the Association from beginning to end in accordance with the legislation. This Committee first examines the accounts of the Association. During the examination, the registers, certificates of receipt, expenditure documents, title deeds and bank records and other documents belonging to the Association are listed and its assets and liabilities are noted in an official report. During the liquidation procedures, the creditors from the Association are called and the assets of the Association, if any, are turned into cash and paid to creditors. If the Association is a creditor, its receivables are collected. All remaining money, properties and right after collection of receivables and payment of debts are transferred to the place determined in the General Assembly. If the place of transfer is not determined in the General Assembly, it is transferred to an Association that is closest to its purpose in the province where the Association is located and that has the most members on the date of termination. All procedures related to liquidation are indicated in the liquidation report and these procedures are completed within three months, unless additional periods are given by the local authorities on the basis of a justified reason. Upon completion of the liquidation and transfer of the money, properties and rights of the Association, the liquidation committee must inform, about the situation, the local authority of the place where the headquarters of Association is located, in a letter within seven days and the liquidation report must be attached to this letter. As the liquidation committee, the members of the last board of directors are responsible for keeping the registers and documents of the Association. This duty may be assigned to a member of the Board of Directors. The retention period of these registers and documents is five years.

Absence of Provisions
Article 21- The provisions, related to associations, of Law of Associations, Turkish Civil Code, and Regulation on Associations and other related legislation that are issued referring to these laws are followed for the issues not included in these Statues.

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