The Project, “More and Better Jobs For Women”

With the Project, “More and Better Jobs For Women; Empowerment of Women for Decent Work in Turkey” for which BUIKAD provided mentoring, it has been planned to support the development of inclusive and holistic policy on a national scale with the purpose of increasing and spreading the women employment. The project aims to provide decent employment opportunities for women, to raise awareness in the field of gender equality and labour standards, and to support women’s empowerment in Turkey.

The project, which target the women who reside in Istanbul, Bursa, Ankara and Konya and who are aged above 18 year and registered to IŞKUR (Turkish Employment Agency) with the dream of being an entrepreneur, was executed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in cooperation with IŞKUR. Funding for the project was provided by Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

The mentoring support for the Project in Bursa was provided by BUIKAD.

During the 40-hour training provided by KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Turkey), the topics of access to funding and use of innovative technologies were also addressed and participants were trained in all aspects of entrepreneurship.

Through mentoring, BUIKAD has supported 150 women entrepreneurs who will start new businesses, and 22 of them have set up their own business. Thus, 2% limit, which is the proportion of women who can start their own business after education, has been exceeded and increased to 14%.

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